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Mō ngā uri whakaheke te take



NOV 20 - 22, 2022 Registrations are now closed





Taranaki uri
Keynote Speakers

Taranaki uri

Māori researcher attendees  either with Taranaki whakapapa or
based in Taranaki

Days of wānanga 

About Te One Kakara

Tēnei te kaupapa o Te One Kakara
Whakatō ai ngā kakano ki te one kakara, kia puāwai ai,
kia whai hua anō mō ō tātou iwi o Taranaki

Kia whakemi i ngā kairangahau o Taranaki ake
Kia hui, kia whakwhiti kōrero, kia whakawhiti whakairo
Kia whakakōrerohia nga kaupapa rangahau o Taranaki

The kaupapa of Te One Kakara is to sow the seeds of new ideas, thinking and research and cultivate the fruits so that our people may prosper. This is a gathering of Taranaki Researchers to discuss and share ideas and to disseminate their important work. Our research gathering derives its name from an Aotea waka historical narrative.

On his return from Aotearoa to Hawaiki Kupe relayed instructions to Turi on how to determine an appropriate place for their people to settle. A key element of those instructions referred to the sweet scent of the soil. It is inferred that the sweet scent indicated high soil fertility for establishing food cultivation - a critically important consideration when determining where exactly to settle.

We have long celebrated the scientific marvel of our ancestors’ navigation of the Pacific Ocean. One Kakara speaks to the scientific marvel of their successful establishment in a new environment. Based on Kupe’s direct observations during his initial journey to Aotearoa and use of multiple senses he developed then relayed a set of instructions to inform a major decision of the leadership of the Aotea waka.

This is a narrative about gathering data from observation through senses, transmission of information, and successful implementation. In contemporary terms, Kupe and the leadership of Aotea demonstrated a robust and successful research process driven for the benefit of the collective.


Online access to current and archived Taranaki research projects.

Coming Soon

Watch, listen or read: choose a Research Kaupapa

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