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Dr Ruakere Hond

Ruakere Hond is a proponent of localised Māori language revitalisation and Māori community development, and is a member of the Waitangi Tribunal and on the board of Te Mātāwai (a statutory Māori language leadership body). He lives at Parihaka and was very involved in the Parihaka Reconciliation process,

including as a member of Te Kawe Tutaki, the Parihaka Redress Steering Group.


Ruakere is a former Māori Language Commissioner, Academic Director of Te Ataarangi and Acting CEO of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi (Māori tertiary education institution). He is currently a Health Research Council of New Zea-
land (HRC) Hōhua Tutengaehe Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Te Pou Tiringa.

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