Ngaropi Cameron
Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa, Te Ātiawa Nui Tonu
Ngaropi is a mother of five and kuia to nine mokopuna. She is the foundation member, Director and Senior Family Violence Programme Facilitator and Educator for Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki Inc. (TTW), a tangata whenua (indigenous) development and liberation service. TTW works to ensure that Taranaki whānau have a secured sense of identity and connection to each other, and where all are able to contribute in the
maintenance of a peaceful, prosperous community - www.tutamawahine.org.nz. TTW is a Whānau Ora provider of social justice services within the Taranaki region of Aotearoa (New Zealand). Ngaropi is a member of the national Māori advisory group Interim Te Rōpū for the Government’s Joint Venture Business Unit, which is tasked with helping to transform the whole-of-government response to family and sexual violence. She has been involved in numerous local and national community development projects implementing a variety of kaupapa Māori services, trainings and resources. She is a former member of the Ministry of Justice Domestic Violence Programme Approvals Panel, two terms; a former member of the Māori Reference Group to the National Taskforce on Family Violence; and former member of the central region Family Violence Death Review Panel. Ngaropi is a former general and obstetric nurse, whānau/hapū/iwi (family and tribal) practitioner and current member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC). She has worked in health and social justice in a variety of environs for 40+ years and is a recipient of The Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International Award 2011.
Keynote Presentation
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